The Project ICT (Iron Curtain Trail) inspired and made possible the development of EuroVelo network in Bulgaria and the Black Sea region by starting the Black Sea Cycling Trail.
During 2013 we have done our planned activities on the ICT project: Methodolgy, Best Practice, Survey of the route, Detailed Action Plan and Preparation of the developments and pilot actions.
During the implementation process we realized, together with the local authorities we were working with, taht the full potential of the ICT will only be released if and when the proper development in the Black Sea area will be done. The most important ones are: The opening of border check point at Resovo between Bulgaria and Turkey and the Black Sea Cycling Trail launching as EuroVelo route.
These ICT project activities opened a wide range of necessary actions on National regional and local level in Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania. As all activities were with different importance and priority but none of them could be left aside for future implementation we had to unite with other partners organisations in the following directions:
- Launching of Bulgarian Cycling Strategy (similar activities fro Turkey, Greece and Romania)
- Work on INSPIRED - Inclusion of Cycling Policies in the Plans for Regional Development
- Lobby for support at National and European level for
One year before the end of ICT we had to think of its sustainability and find solutions for the continuous support from the local authorities along the route.
We organized meetings at the municipalities of Burgas and Varna for announcing the ICT results up to now, the planed activities and the possibility for future development of EuroVelo by launching the Black Sea Cycling Trail. We got much higher media interest than expected and decided to continue in this direction with future meetings and events apart from the ICT planned ones. The major PR event for the mayors of the Bulgarian Black Sea area will be the signing of the letter of support to the European Parliament. At the moment the staff of the municipalities is preparing the best time for the event of the signing.
Photos and other comments will follow shortly.
Meeting in Varna - 14.12.2013

During 2013 we have done our planned activities on the ICT project: Methodolgy, Best Practice, Survey of the route, Detailed Action Plan and Preparation of the developments and pilot actions.
During the implementation process we realized, together with the local authorities we were working with, taht the full potential of the ICT will only be released if and when the proper development in the Black Sea area will be done. The most important ones are: The opening of border check point at Resovo between Bulgaria and Turkey and the Black Sea Cycling Trail launching as EuroVelo route.
These ICT project activities opened a wide range of necessary actions on National regional and local level in Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania. As all activities were with different importance and priority but none of them could be left aside for future implementation we had to unite with other partners organisations in the following directions:
- Launching of Bulgarian Cycling Strategy (similar activities fro Turkey, Greece and Romania)
- Work on INSPIRED - Inclusion of Cycling Policies in the Plans for Regional Development
- Lobby for support at National and European level for
One year before the end of ICT we had to think of its sustainability and find solutions for the continuous support from the local authorities along the route.
We organized meetings at the municipalities of Burgas and Varna for announcing the ICT results up to now, the planed activities and the possibility for future development of EuroVelo by launching the Black Sea Cycling Trail. We got much higher media interest than expected and decided to continue in this direction with future meetings and events apart from the ICT planned ones. The major PR event for the mayors of the Bulgarian Black Sea area will be the signing of the letter of support to the European Parliament. At the moment the staff of the municipalities is preparing the best time for the event of the signing.
Photos and other comments will follow shortly.
Meeting in Varna - 14.12.2013
Meeting in Burgas - 2.12.2013

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